The other main parts to this movie is obviously the begining and end the introduction to the Designer babies and the new world where natural conception was invalid. Also where an invalid manages to obtain his life time dream which he was told was unachieveable as an invalid with a 90% chance of heart problems and the sad end of the Original Jerome.
- Review
In general the movie is about a world where GM people are seen as superior and naturally conceved people who are called invalid that are only good for jobs such as cleaning. In this world new born babies are givin a heel prick which determines there whole life expectency. In this film an invalid called Vincent had a valid brother who one day he found wasn't actually superior and as strong as he thought. So he left to follow his dream of becoming an astronaut but couldn't because of his pre determined heart condition. Therefore he found a perect valid called Jerome who had been in an accident that left him in a whel chair. Jerome allowed Vincent to take his identity and supplied him with blood, urine, and dead skin cells. The reason for this is people where constantly being tested and personal idenity was proven with blood instead of a passport like now. Over time Vincent/Jerome became one of the best valid in his company. His cover is nearly blow with an eyelash in a murder investigation. Which also uncovers his valid brother who proves once again isnt as superior or as strong as he thinks he is. Which Gives Vincent the courage to show his real idenity. Although it was overlooked and he got to follow his dream and become and astonaut and goin to space. Which left the real Jerome without a perpose therefor he killed himself in an incinerator.
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