Monday 29 March 2010

More Insperation

Lindsey Nolin has used several odd images in the firt portrait which is what I have startd to experiment with in one of my own posters. Although the second portrait is the same image with parts zoomed in and out which I think gives a nice illusion eventhough it is the same image.

Jason Salavon is an artist that created very obscured images. You can just about work out what the figure is eventhough there isnt any detail on the faces or clothing.

This image has been created by Daniel Lee who is in the center.
These images where created to show how the environment and technology would change your DNA and how you adapt.The first image is how he would have look hundered of yers back and the end image is how he may look in the far-off future...
My eyes shrink as electricity eradicates the need to see in the dark. My brain and forehead enlarge as information expands my mind. And my features blend as communication brings cultures closer and closer together -- Asian, Caucasian and so on. Only the ears remain the same size, because we'll never stop needing to listen."

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